SEIRS Model example ==================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: The following example illustrates how to run the `SEIRS Model `_ using the Fair Data Pipeline with the :code:`pyDataPipeline` and [pySimpleModel]() package. config.yaml ----------- The user should supply a config.yaml file describing a code run with the following inputs: :: SEIRS_model/parameters and the following outputs: :: SEIRS_model/results/model_output/python SEIRS_model/results/figure/python an example config is provided within the pyDataPipeline package located in :code:`data_pipeline_api/ext/SEIRSconfig.yaml` and contains the following: .. literalinclude:: /../data_pipeline_api/ext/SEIRSconfig.yaml :linenos: :language: yaml The script specified in :code:`run_metadata` will be called by :code:`fair run` fair pull --------- Using the CLI tool, the command :code:`fair pull` will indentify any data products listed in the :code:`register` field of the config.yaml file and download them to the local data store as set by :code:`fair init` and register the corresponding metadata to the local registry. The following commands should be run after activating a poetry shell from the CLI tool: :: fair init --ci fair pull data_pipeline_api/ext/SEIRSconfig.yaml The :code:`--ci` flag can be used to use temporary directories. If using this flag the above code should be run from the :code:`local_repo` directory Once the :code:`fair pull` command has been run the following data product should now be stored in the local registry #. :code:`SEIRS_model/parameters` fair run -------- In order to run the script specified in :code:`run_metadata['script']` field of the config.yaml the command :code:`fair run` from the CLI Tools should be used, Once again if the :code:`--ci` flag was used with the :code:`fair init` command then this must be from the :code:`local_repo` directory. This should also only be run after activating a poetry shell from the command line and installing the :code:`pyDataPipeline` package within the poetry virtual environment following the `Installation <../installation.html>`_ instructions. :: fair run data_pipeline_api/ext/SEIRSconfig.yaml This will call :code:`fair run` which will produce a code run and the appropriate output using the script provided in the :code:`run_metadata` field of the config.yaml file. The following code will be executed when using the :code:`data_pipeline_api/ext/SEIRSconfig.yaml` config file, which is located in the :code:`data_pipeline_api/ext/` Python script .. literalinclude:: /../data_pipeline_api/ext/ :linenos: :language: python Output ------ This code run should produce the following figure in the local data store, this will be a temporary directory if the :code:`--ci` flag was used with :code:`fair init` .. image:: SEIRS_figure.png :target: /pyDataPipeline/_images/SEIRS_figure.png As well as the above figure a CSV file from the model output will also be generated which will also be located within the local data store an example of the CSV file is printed below: .. rst-class:: table-limit .. csv-table:: Output :file: SEIRS_output.csv :header-rows: 1 :align: left Provenance Report ----------------- The following is the Provenance Report produced by the FAIR Data Pipeline Registry as a result of the above code run: .. image:: SEIRS_PR.jpeg :target: /pyDataPipeline/_images/SEIRS_PR.jpeg