DPAPI functions

DPAPI functions #

Note that this is a living document and the following is subject to change.

This page gives a full working example of the user written config.yaml file alongside the working config file generated by FAIR run. Note that the Data Pipeline API will take the working config file as an input.

The following example downloads some data from outside the pipeline, does some processing in R (for example), and records the original file and the resultant data product into the pipeline.

In this simple example, the user should run the following from the terminal:

fair pull config.yaml
fair run config.yaml
fair push config.yaml

These functions require a config.yaml file to be supplied by the user. This file should specify various metadata associated with the code run, including where external objects comes from and the aliases that will be used in the submission script, data objects to be read and written, and the submission scipt location.

User written config.yaml #

  description: Register a file in the pipeline
  local_data_registry_url: https://localhost:8000/api/
  remote_data_registry_url: https://data.fairdatapipeline.org/api/
  default_input_namespace: SCRC
  default_output_namespace: soniamitchell
  write_data_store: /Users/SoniaM/datastore/
  local_repo: /Users/Soniam/Desktop/git/SCRC/SCRCdata
  script: |- 
    R -f inst/SCRC/scotgov_management/submission_script.R ${{CONFIG_DIR}}

- external_object: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management
  namespace_name: Scottish Government Open Data Repository
  namespace_full_name: Scottish Government Open Data Repository
  namespace_website: https://statistics.gov.scot/
  root: https://statistics.gov.scot/sparql.csv?query=
  path: |
    PREFIX qb: <http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#>
    PREFIX data: <http://statistics.gov.scot/data/>
    PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
    PREFIX mp: <http://statistics.gov.scot/def/measure-properties/>
    PREFIX dim: <http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension#>
    PREFIX sdim: <http://statistics.gov.scot/def/dimension/>
    PREFIX stat: <http://statistics.data.gov.uk/def/statistical-entity#>
    SELECT ?featurecode ?featurename ?date ?measure ?variable ?count
    WHERE {
      ?indicator qb:dataSet data:coronavirus-covid-19-management-information;
                  dim:refArea ?featurecode;
                  dim:refPeriod ?period;
                  sdim:variable ?varname;
                  qb:measureType ?type.
      {?indicator mp:count ?count.} UNION {?indicator mp:ratio ?count.}

      ?featurecode <http://publishmydata.com/def/ontology/foi/displayName> ?featurename.
      ?period rdfs:label ?date.
      ?varname rdfs:label ?variable.
      ?type rdfs:label ?measure.
  title: Data associated with COVID-19
  description: The data provide past data around COVID-19 for the daily updates provided by the Scottish Government.
  unique_name: COVID-19 management information
  file_type: csv
  release_date: ${{DATETIME}}
  version: 0.${{DATE}}.0
  primary: True

- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/ambulance
  description: Ambulance data
  version: 0.${{DATE}}.0
- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/calls
  description: Calls data
  version: 0.${{DATE}}.0
- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/carehomes
  description: Care homes data
  version: 0.${{DATE}}.0
- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/hospital
  description: Hospital data
  version: 0.${{DATE}}.0
- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/mortality
  description: Mortality data
  version: 0.${{DATE}}.0
- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/nhsworkforce
  description: NHS workforce data
  version: 0.${{DATE}}.0
- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/schools
  description: Schools data
  version: 0.${{DATE}}.0
- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/testing
  description: Testing data
  version: 0.${{DATE}}.0

Working config.yaml #

fair run should create a working config.yaml file, which is then read by the Data Pipeline API.

  description: Register a file in the pipeline
  local_data_registry_url: https://localhost:8000/api/
  remote_data_registry_url: https://data.fairdatapipeline.org/api/
  default_input_namespace: soniamitchell
  default_output_namespace: soniamitchell
  write_data_store: /Users/SoniaM/datastore/
  local_repo: /Users/Soniam/Desktop/git/SCRC/SCRCdata
  script: |- 
    R -f inst/SCRC/scotgov_management/submission_script.R /Users/SoniaM/datastore/coderun/20210511-231444/
  public: true
  latest_commit: 221bfe8b52bbfb3b2dbdc23037b7dd94b49aaa70
  remote_repo: https://github.com/ScottishCovidResponse/SCRCdata

- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management
    data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management
    version: 0.20210414.0
    namespace: soniamitchell

- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/ambulance
  description: Ambulance data
    version: 0.20210414.0
- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/calls
  description: Calls data
    version: 0.20210414.0
- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/carehomes
  description: Care homes data
    version: 0.20210414.0
- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/hospital
  description: Hospital data
    version: 0.20210414.0
- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/mortality
  description: Mortality data
    version: 0.20210414.0
- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/nhsworkforce
  description: NHS workforce data
    version: 0.20210414.0
- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/schools
  description: Schools data
    version: 0.20210414.0
- data_product: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/testing
  description: Testing data
    version: 0.20210414.0

submission_script.R #

A submission script should be supplied by the user, which in this case registers an external object, reads it in, and then writes it back to the pipeline as a data product component. In the above example, this script is located in <local_repo>/inst/SCRC/scotgov_management/submission_script.R.


# Open the connection to the local registry with a given config file
config <- file.path(Sys.getenv("FDP_CONFIG_DIR"), "config.yaml")
script <- file.path(Sys.getenv("FDP_CONFIG_DIR"), "script.sh")
handle <- initialise(config, script)

# Return location of file stored in the pipeline
input_path <- link_read(handle, "records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/mortality")

# Process raw data and write data product
data <- read.csv(input_path)
array <- some_processing(data) # e.g. data wrangling, running a model, etc.
index <- write_array(array, 
                     data_product = "records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/mortality", 
                     component = "mortality_data",
                     dimension_names = list(location = rownames(array),
                                            date = colnames(array)))
                     issue = "this data is bad",
                     severity = 7)


initialise() #

responsible for reading the working config.yaml file

  • registers the working config.yaml file, submission script, and GitHub repo
  • registers a CodeRun (since the CodeRun UUID should be referenced if ${{RUN_ID}} is specified in a DataProduct name)
  • returns a handle containing:
    • the working config.yaml file contents
    • the object id for this file
    • the object id for the submission script file
    • the object id for the CodeRun

Note that since, StorageLocation has a uniqueness constraint on path, hash, public, and storage_root, files with the same hash in the same storage_root and public flag should generate new Object entries that point to the same path. Likewise, files with the same hash in the same storage_root and public flag should not be duplicated in the data store.

responsible for returning the path of an external object in the local data store

  • updates handle with file path (if not already present) and useful metadata
  • returns file path

read_array() #

responsible for reading the correct data product, which at this point has been downloaded from the remote data store by fair pull

  • reads a specified version of the data
  • updates handle
  • updates handle with useful metadata
  • returns a path to write to

write_array() #

responsible for writing an array as a component to an hdf5 file

  • writes component to the hdf5 file
  • updates handle
    • if this is the first component to be written, update handle with storage location
    • if this is not the first component to be written, reference the storage location from the handle
    • if the component is already recorded in the handle, return the index of this handle reference invisibly

raise_issue() #

responsible for writing issue related metadata to the handle

  • records issue and data product / component related metadata in the handle
  • note that where an issue is associated with an entire object, the whole_object component is referenced; the whole_object component is generated automatically whenever a new Object is created
  • components or whole data products may be referenced by name or via a reference (for instance returned by write_array())
  • multiple components or data products may be linked to a single issue, either via two functions - one to raise issues and one to attach them - or via arguments to raise_issue() that allow multiple components to be attached

finalise() #

  • renames files with their hash
    • until this point, we’ve arbitrarily named each file e.g. dat-{random_hash}.{extension}
    • this is renamed as b03bbbe1205b3de70b1ae7573cf11c8b2555d2ed.{extension}
  • renames data products if variables are present, e.g. for human/outbreak/simulation_run-${{RUN_ID}}, ${{RUN_ID}} is replaced with the CodeRun UUID
  • records metadata (e.g. location, components, various descriptions, issues) in the data registry
  • updates the code run in the data registry

submission_script.py #

Alternatively, the submission script may be written in Python.

from data_pipeline_api.standard_api import StandardAPI

with StandardAPI.from_config("config.yaml") as api:
  data = read(api.link_read("records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management"))
  api.write_array("records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/mortality", "mortality_data", matrix)
  api.issue_with_component("records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/mortality", "mortality_data", "this data is bad", "7")

submission_script.jl #

Alternatively, the submission script may be written in Julia.

using DataPipeline

# Open the connection to the local registry with a given config file
handle = initialise("working-config.yaml", "script.sh") 

# Return location of file stored in the pipeline
input_path = link_read(handle)

# Process raw data and write data product
data = read_csv(input_path)
array = some_processing(data) # e.g. data wrangling, running a model, etc.
index = write_estimate(array, 
                       data_product = "records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/mortality", 
                       component = "mortality_data")

                     issue = "this data is bad",
                     severity = 7)


C++ #

Java #