FAIR CLI Commands

fair CLI Commands #

A simple example of how the data pipline should run from the command line:

fair init
fair pull config.yaml
fair run config.yaml
fair add <code-run / data-product>
fair push

fair init #

  • initialise a fair repository, this must be a git repository.

fair pull #

  • download any data required by read: from the remote data store and record metadata in the data registry (whilst editing relevant entries, e.g. storage_root)
  • pull meta data associated with all previous versions of these objects listed in write: from the remote data registry
  • download any data listed in register: from the original source and record metadata in the data registry

fair run #

  • read (and validate) the config.yaml file
  • generate a working config.yaml file (see Working example)
    • globbing is used to interpret * as all matching objects as well as the original string returned, e.g. if real/data/1 version 0.0.1 and real/data/thing/1 version 0.0.1 already exist in the registry, the user-written config:

      - data_product: real/data/*
        description: general description for all data products
          namespace: someone
          version: ${{MINOR}}

      should return:

      - data_product: real/data/1
          data_product: real/data/1
          description: general description for all data products
          version: 0.1.0
          namespace: someone
      - data_product: real/data/thing/1
          data_product: real/data/thing/1
          description: general description for all data products
          version: 0.1.0
          namespace: someone
      - data_product: real/data/*
          data_product: real/data/*
          description: general description for all data products
          version: 0.0.1
          namespace: someone
    • specific version numbers and any variables in run_metadata:, register:, read:, and write: are replaced with true values, e.g.

      • ${{CONFIG_DIR}} is replaced by the directory within which the working config.yaml file resides
      • release_date: ${{DATETIME}} is replaced by release_date: 2021-04-14T11:34:37 which is a valid form for the registry.
      • version: 0.${{DATE}}.0 is replaced by version: 0.20210414.0
      • version: ${{PATCH}} should increment version by patch; and
      • version: 0.${{DATETIME-%Y%m%d}}.0 or any variants thereof are replaced by an appropriately formatted string.
    • if no version is given, then one should be written such that patch is incremented if the data product already exists, otherwise version should be set to 0.0.1.

    • register: is removed and external_objects are written to read: as data_products

    • populate public: field in run_metadata: section (default is true)

    • populate version: field in use: section of whether the user-written config contained the field or not

  • local_repo: must always be given in the config.yaml file
    • ensure the repo is clean
    • get the hash of the latest commit and add to the working config.yaml file in run_metadata: latest_commit:
    • if run_metadata: remote_repo: is false, then fair push should copy the repo to the file store
    • if run_metadata: remote_repo: is absent or doesn’t contain a URL, then fair run should try to get the remote repo url from the local repo
    • note that there are exceptions and the user may reference a script located outside of a repository
  • save the working config.yaml file in the local data store, in <local_store>/coderun/<date>T<time>/config.yaml, e.g. datastore/coderun/20210625T165552/config.yaml
  • save the submission script to the local data store in <local_store>/coderun/<date>T<time>/script.sh
    • note that config.yaml should contain either script: that should be saved as the submission script, or script_path: that points to the file that should be saved as the submission script
  • save the path to <local_store>/coderun/<date>T<time>/ in the global environment as $FDP_CONFIG_DIR so that it can be picked up by the script that is run after this has been completed
  • execute the submission script

fair list #

  • list data_products and code_runs on the local registry.

fair add #

  • stages a code_run or data_product to be pushed to the remote registry.
  • a code_run should be the hash of the code-run e.g., 5062cc4f-2c45-48f5-989a-6fe7fe0452ca.
  • a data_product should be formatted: :<data_product name>@v eg: PSU:SEIRS_ model/parameters@v1.0.0.

fair push #

  • push new files (generated from write: and register:) to the remote data store.
  • record metadata in the remote data registry (whilst editing relevant entries, e.g. storage_root).